Synthetic Organic Chemistry & Catalysis group
Our group develops flexible and robust methods for the efficient and selective synthesis of complex small molecules, ranging from arrays of drug-like heterocycles to natural products and complex pharmaceuticals. Our synthetic efforts are strongly mechanism-driven, enabling the rational design of novel organic transformations. Important tools in our synthetic methodology include cascade and multicomponent reactions as well as transition metal and organocatalysis. We train and educate young professionals at the highest international level in the area of synthetic organic chemistry. We are an open, collaborative and inclusive team inspired by a fascination for complex molecules and their reactivity
Together with our colleagues, we constitute the Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
We welcome new Ph.D. student Aleksandar Mandić from University of Zagreb in the group. (12-02-2024)
We welcome new Ph.D. student Theodora Athanasiadou from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the group. (01-10-2023)
Eelco Ruijter has been awarded an NWO M1 grant in the Natural Sciences Open Competition program! Congratulations!! (22-09-2023)
We welcome new Ph.D. student Meizhe Liu from Tianjin University in the group. He has been awarded the prestigious CSC scholarship fellowship! (01-09-2023)